
CS Gallery Presents: Halloween Open Group Show

Show dates: October 23rd – November 5th
Opening night: Friday, October 31st, 6-9pm

Trick or treat! The reception for our October open falls right on Halloween. Olde Towne East Parsons Carnival will be happening at the same time as our show. Businesses on Parsons will have games and prizes. Come play Pin The Parts On The Zombie and check out some amazing artwork.
See the link below for more information.

Artist Roster:
Arlo Moon
Elaine S. Farrington Johnson
Jocelyn Kane
Brent Elam
Ralph Corriveau
Brian P Matheny
Chelsea Bennett

July “OPEN” Group Show

Show dates: July 5th thru 16th
Opening night: July 11th 6 – 9 pm

Welcome to the July installment of our signature show!
Featured Artists: Rachel Konopa, Arlo Moon, Brandon Marie Selickson, Ilya LaBozetta, Brian Matheny, Tom Baillieul, Deb Baillieul, Wayne Hughes, Aaron Behnk, Roger J Williams, Kevin Russell

“Crash” Tribute Show!

Show dates: Marxh 1st thru March 12th
Opening night: March 8th 7 – 10 pm

We are all so very stoked for this show – Come be a part of it!! This is truly our come back! One year after a disaster that could have easily wiped us out we are stronger than ever!
Come check out artists take on “crash”, “hit and run”, “explosions”, or just BOOM! These are all things that happened to us!
Come help commemorate the best/worst thing that ever happened to us!

Featured Artists: Tom Sherman, Arlo Moon, Caryl Young, Theodore Zanardelli